• Completed Blast Retrofit & Mitigation Construction- Gekko Engineering
  • Building Evaluated for Blast Retrofit & Mitigation - Gekko Engineering
  • Building Evaluated for Blast Retrofit & Mitigation - Gekko Engineering
  • Construction of Blast Retrofit & Mitigation Building - Gekko Engineering
  • Building Evaluated for Blast Retrofit & Mitigation - Gekko Engineering

Blast Retrofit & Mitigation

Refineries, chemical plants, and offshore platforms can be dangerous places. Keeping personnel safe in these hazardous conditions is a challenge. Gekko has over 10 years experience in helping to keep personnel safe from blast loads. Whether a retrofit of an existing building, design of a new building, or installation of modular building Gekko can assist with your blast hardening needs. Gekko has designed blast retrofits for CMU buildings, metal frame buildings, and pre-cast concrete structures. The majority of our designs can be implemented while the buildings are still occupied. Working in conjunction with the owner’s blast consultant or independently–-Gekko’s multi-discipline team can handle your blast hardening project from start to finish.
Project Examples
  • Blast Hardening of CMU Wall Control Room: Gekko developed the blast retrofit design of an existing Control Room so that operators could safely occupy the building located at the edge of a refinery process unit. Walls were hardened through the use of shotcrete. The roof retrofit included adding new bracing and a new metal deck to increase blast resistance. The building housed critical power and instrumentation racks. All designs were implemented while the Control Room was fully operational.
  • Modular Building Installation: Gekko has engineered the installation of over 20 modular blast buildings. The use of modular buildings does allow for an expedited schedule and a cost effective solution when new blast resistant installation are required. Gekko has worked with all of the major blast building vendors and can design the necessary utility connections to integrate the new blast shelter into the current existing facility. Gekko’s team of engineers and designers can also ensure that your installation will meet City building codes.
  • Blast Hardening of Metal Building Control Room: Working in conjunction with the owner’s blast consultant Gekko engineered blast retrofits for an existing metal building. Given the relatively light construction of the metal building the most cost effective solution was to design a shell around the existing building. The shell walls were constructed out of CMU blocks while precast concrete panels were used for the roof. Gekko was charged with permitting the structure through the local municipality.
  • Blast Hardening of a Warehouse/Instrument Shop: Working in conjunction with the owner’s blast consultant Gekko engineered blast and seismic retrofits for a mixed use building. A portion of the building was designated as a warehouse and a portion was used as an instrument shop. The building was constructed in the early 1980’s to facilitate materials handling associated with a refinery upgrade project. Thirty years later blast resistance was required. The design was implemented in a stepwise fashion which allowed the building to remain functional during the blast and seismic retrofit process.